

This Branding Tool Will Help You Improve Marketing Performance

This Branding Tool Will Help You Improve Marketing Performance

If you want to head straight for your goal, make sure to start by understanding your core motivation.

If you want to head straight for your goal, make sure to start by understanding your core motivation.

I’ve been independently employed or running a business for my entire adult career (aside from a 6-month stint selling cars but that’s a story for another time.)

Among a handful of skills, I’ve had to hone to maintain my salary over the years is the ability to identify my core motivation. 

This is not the same as motivating myself. 

Motivating oneself is about overcoming procrastination. While this is an important thing to be able to do, it is not the same as identifying core motivation.

Core motivation is at the core of your character. It’s the thing you care most about. This can be quite tricky to identify especially when there are many things you care about. 

How Does Motivation Affect Marketing Performance?

Losing touch with or never truly understanding core motivation leaves you in a state of deliberation. You have tons of ideas but can not identify the one to move forward. You have a great plan but can’t find the courage to take action. You have tons of great experience but can’t figure out how to tell your story.

Without clarity on your core motivation, your marketing performance will suffer in these ways:

  1. Perspective - Your message is all about how great you are instead of how you help customers win.

  2. Focus - You overvalue negative feedback and miss the learning in your campaigns.

  3. Follow through - You underestimate what it will take to complete a full marketing cycle and end up with big gaps in the customer journey.

To be fair, all of these mistakes can be made by not having a true understanding of how marketing works. However, skilled marketers and newbie marketers will suffer from lackluster results on an equal footing when their core motivation is not clear.

This Branding Tool Will Help You Improve Marketing Performance

There are many different ways to figure your core motivation out. The one I think is the most effective is the Archetype Survey by Culture Talk. The reason I like this one the best is that it is a validated instrument. That means they've gone through the rigorous process of confirming that their test does evaluate your tendency toward the 12 specific archetypal stories. This is much different from those free assessments used as lead magnets on Facebook. Archetype Survey by Culture Talk is delivered as a paid assessment from a certified partner such as myself. It can be applied to an individual and an organization.

Essentially this is how it works: 

  1. You take the survey.

  2. You get scored in the 12 archetypes

  3. I help you sort the archetypes into what I call a leadership code.

  4. We look at the strengths and shadows of how you tend to show up.

  5. We look at the challenges of your scored core Archetype.

  6. We validate your core Archetype.

If you'd like to do this on your own, I recommend the book, Awakening The Heroes Within by Carol Pearson.

If you'd like to talk to me about finding your core archetype, email me or DM on this platform.

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